Thursday, September 6, 2007

Walking Everywhere

It's getting done to the wire. I have just about 2 weeks until the Rio Del Lago 100 mile run in Granite Bay. I'm tapering. What exactly is a taper? This is my first attempt at the 100 mile distance so I have no actual experience to share on what to do next. I have read many race reports via the internet and talked with some 100 mile veterans and the advice is to taper.

I do not like the taper.

Not everyone obviously who does a 100 trains the same. Not everyone tapers either. The weekly mileage that one puts in varies considerably. Some claim weekly mileage of 80, 90, 100 miles or more. I've read some reports where runners claim they have completed the run with only 10 weekly miles. One thing is for sure even on 10 miles a week: the runners are in great shape! I've never done 80 miles a week. I think my peak was 65 and I've been averaging 45 for the better part of 2 months. I'm confident with my fitness level. So during the taper, my running time is diminished. I'm still continuing my upper body workouts. I'm walking everywhere! Living in the city I feel is a big advantage as it's so easy to ditch the car and not lose mobility.

What I do not like about the taper is the amount of energy I've got built up. My daily runs are much slower. I'm holding back knowing that I'll need the energy later. I don't want to risk injury at this point but at the same time I want to maintain my endurance and strength. I know that tapering is the right thing but my mind is still wondering "what if." What if I'm losing part of my conditioning? Everytime I go I out I want to prove to myself that it's still there. That is not the right thing to do though and I need to believe it.

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